Capt. John’s Hops Cannon

The illustration was developed for a beer label for a gentleman named Steve Witt. Steve creates his own batches of brew, and for this one in particular he wanted the likeness of someone he knows (John). Although this illustration is what Steve used for his own labeling system (sans type), I wanted to create a version of my own for a can.

Rhythm & Bass

This is the cover art of the album Rhythm & Bass by an R&B artist located in Queens who goes by the name of GQ Da Prince.

I wanted to try something new, so it was fun to experiment. This direction spoke to me most in terms
of what his work is about, and what it means as not only a musician but an artist to pour your heart into
everything and allow someone in to experience what has been created.

Feel free to check out some of his music that inspired this piece.