I Want To Tell The Stories You’ve Never Told

Over the next several months, it is my goal to take on a personal project as a visual storyteller. In order to succeed, I need your help. Tell me a story from your life you’ve never told anyone about. Make it funny, make it sad, make it scandalous or scary, but I don’t want to know who you are. Unless it’s part of the story, I wouldn’t even like to know your age, what you look like, or even if you’re male or female. It is from your stories that I will develop a series of illustrations.

In a paragraph or less, please submit your story at http://www.matthewpalizay.com/contact/. The contact form requires a name and email, so please just enter anonymous and a fake email. By submitting, you are giving me the creative freedom to interpret your story as I see fit, and possibly include the story with the illustration.

I welcome anybody to be a part of this storytelling experience, so please spread the word, and thank you for your participation!

NBB Kickstarter

For those of you have been following my work, I had a great project with the New Buffalo Breaking Co. and now they need YOUR help. Help Buffalo return to brewing greatness and donate today.




I’ve been neglecting adding new sketches to this blog as I post them all over other social media outlets…

So here is to me finally updating.

Beast: Project Rooftop’s Fan Art Friday

Project Rooftop, where cartoonists and illustrators redesign superhero costumes, has made a call for submissions for a segment called “Fan Art Friday.” I chose to go “classic” with a version of Beast that I grew up with from the 90’s cartoon. Rather than giving him a solid full body of blue hair, I took a cue from apes and thinned out the hair on his face, chest and stomach, and leaving his palms hair free. Throw in some trunks a little closer to his days without blue hair and you have my submission!

Batman may have the biggest wardrobe closet in all of superhero comics, but Marvel’s Beast seems to be the one that goes through the most transformation. With him recently evolving to a more ape-like look in the pages of All-New X-Men, we thought it time to celebrate the various incarnations of Dr. Henry McCoy in our next Fan-Art Friday.”


Character Chop Shop: The Walking Red

Just another piece I did for fun during the day.

For those of you who may be unaware, the people who wear red shirts in the original Star Trek series have a habit of being killed. This is their chance to come back.

CCS: The Future, Far Far Away…

I was watching Star Wars and as Luke was cruising back home in his land speeder, Marty McFly riding his stolen hover-board came to mind. I thought about what might happen if Marty and Luke met. Luke would be the guy with the awesome car while Marty only had his little board. #hovercomplex

Anyways, this was a quick sketch of that encounter. More of a color study than anything.


Inspired by the lovely Mavilya Chubarova.


Find the final image in my portfolio.

…once I scan it.

Working out the details…

After putting this aside to do another project for her, I’m back at it turning Fawn into a superhero.

Fawn Dorr Mask Test

This is a quick test sketch of an old friend of mine from back home. Fawn is a talented and determined young athlete who has taken her skills to the professional level. (Check her out on twitter at here) After I had posted a number of my recent Character Chop Shop pieces, Fawn had asked me about doing a character portrait of her. I’ve been drawing superheroes for as long as I can remember so it seemed like a great project once she asked me to turn her into a superhero.

Stay tuned for the character sketch and final painting…